One of the last great Southern Baptist Sunday School enrollment campaigns was

entitled “8.5 by ’85.” It was an effort to increase enrollment to 8.5 million by 1985. The

result was an enrollment of 8.2 million people. Some 20 plus years later, the Sunday

School enrollment of the 16 million member Southern Baptist Convention stands at @8.3

million people. During this same period of time, baptisms have been on a plateau as well.

If evangelism is to be the priority of Sunday School, then the importance of open

enrollment will need to be revisited. Historically, churches baptize at least one of four

new enrollees each year. Please look and listen to seven practical ways to stress

evangelism in the Sunday School.

Practice Open Enrollment

Open enrollment enables classes to see and work the harvest field of souls. Follow

up will become the key as class members recognize they have committed to minister to

new enrollees.

Prospect Discovery

Lead class members to discover prospects through their network of relationships.

The best prospects for evangelism and Sunday School growth are people that class

members already have met.

Post a ‘10 Most Wanted’ list

This list will help keep class members focused on outreach. Those on the list can

be anyone not enrolled in Sunday School. People on the list should feel ‘wanted’ by the

class when they attend.

Plan Intentional Evangelism Activities

Enable class members to discover and utilize a passion-driven ministry to build a

relationship with the non-Christians in order to lead them to Christ. The class should seek

to conduct some of these ministries as a group.

Provide Witness Training Opportunities

Class members should be able to share their personal testimony and a simple

Gospel presentation. Training will provide them with the competence and confidence to


Participate in Outreach As a Class

Classmates visiting in the homes of prospects for their class, tend to have greater

results. The class obligates itself for evangelism, ministry, discipleship, and follow

through when they work together.

Protect the Testimony of Converts

Often in excitement a class member shares of the conversion of another

individual. This can lead to feelings of awkwardness. Allow the new believer to share the

news of their salvation. This will serve to encourage them to tell others the good news.