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This week’s newsletter is not being written

by Bro. Tom, standing in for him is Emily

Branch’s Grandpa. To fully understand why

what follows is so extra important I must take

you back almost 6 years.

My phone rings at about 3 am on the day

after Christmas-this is not normal, but neither

is what follows. Tony and Mallory are at St.

John’s Hospital and Mallory and their unborn

baby are at great risk. The baby will be born

this morning in an emergency surgery, and

the lives of both Mallory and baby seem to be

hanging precariously. The baby is nine weeks

early, dangerously early. Mallory is sick

enough to be in Intensive Care, and will be

immediately after the surgery.

In my heart I know the odds of a normal

life for the baby tend to hinge on the baby’s

weight at birth, and I don’t think she weighs

enough. I pace the halls of St. Johns praying

that God would increase her weight even as

they prep Mallory for surgery.

Emily is born and Mallory goes to one ICU

while Emily is taken to NICU. By the Grace of

God both will make full recoveries, Mallory in

a few days, Emily in several weeks.

Over the course of the weeks to come I go

to the hospital every morning, early. And I am

not an early riser. Tony and Mallory, and the

nurses in NICU allow me the privilege to

come in when Emily is just waking up and

hold her and gradually begin to give her a tiny

bottle. The time I hold her begins a journey of

prayer for Emily and her future. Tony said

something on Facebook (no, I am not on it, I

saw it on Emily’s Grandma’s account) that

triggered some six year old memories. I

remember praying everyday that Emily would

one day come to the place in her life where

she would invite Jesus Christ into her heart to

be her Lord and Savior.

Today, almost six years later Emily has

grown into a wonderful little girl. On Sunday

night, November 26, God answered my

prayer, and I am sure the prayers of many

others. Emily came to the front of the church

and prayed to receive Christ. NICU seems

like a long time ago but, if I close my eyes I

can remember it like it was yesterday. Think

you Jesus for answering this Grandpa’s

prayers. Now, about those prayers for a

Godly husband for each of my

Granddaughters, and Godly wives for Brad

and Mason…

Eternally Grateful and Blessed,

Cassidy, Emily, Brad, and Mason’s Grand