Isn't our God amazing? Two Mondays ago, we had to prepare the bulletin on Monday instead of Thursday because of schedule issues. It was the last Sunday of January and January had been an interesting month financially. Based on the Sunday morning Sunday School offering it was about to get even more interesting. My newsletter reflected my optimism, I wrote it in red ink. I was praying for a miracle knowing that coming out of December, January was going to be, again, interesting. I was working entirely on the basis of the Sunday School, not considering the Worship Service offering or any on-line offerings we could still receive. I finally submitted my article to Becky to include in the bulletin. In the process of getting the bulletin ready early I had not really had a chance to review it before printing. A little later the final version was on my desk and for the first time that morning I checked out the financial line, especially the deposit from earlier that morning. "Oh, me of little faith, why did I doubt?" (Matt 14:31). The figure listed for that week's deposit was significantly higher than the total listed on the board after Sunday School. Significantly. It 'seems' that while I was reminding God of what we didn't have, He was already keeping His Word and meeting our every need. Before the ink was dry on my article the money was already in the bank. I seriously considered scrapping my article and rerunning the bulletin, but I felt led to let it ride. After all. it is an amazing testimony of the faithfulness of our God. Lessons learned: - God can always handle anything and everything that comes up. -God is always meeting our needs before we know our needs. -It pays to wait on God--He's never late. -Don't count on the bank, count on God. Blessings Prayers and Love, Bro Tom and Sister Sue |