There have been times in my life when I felt plagued by a constant irritant. I remember years ago (College days) trying to kick start a motorcycle that refused to start. After hauling it back to the house in the back of a pick-up and unloading it, I suddenly heard it start. The owner (one Don Cagle) had forgotten about the kill switch. The good news was years later the experience repeated itself as a Quik Trip in Tulsa. I was getting gas in my car while a guy at the pump next to me just sat on his brand-new bike. I complimented him on his ride and he replied, "Yeah it's pretty, but it won't start." My mind immediately shot back to Stillwater, and I asked him, "Have you checked the kill switch?" The look on his face was priceless and quickly turned to a large grin when he reached up, flipped the switch, and started his bike. A pretty simple fix to a vexing problem--and free! Fast forward to last week. We have been fighting internet problems. It was on and off, but you already knew that if you tried to watch from home. It plagued us through the week (how did we ever live without the internet?) Finally, Sunday morning I knew I had to try something. Just like the Sunday School answer to any question is 'Jesus", the computer answer is unplug it and plug it back in. I pulled the small stepladder into my office and scaled Mount Bookshelf to access the internet connection. As I prepared to unplug and re-plug (is that a word?), the plug in connection literally fell out of the socket. No wonder we were having issues-we were barely connected to the power source. Obviously, I reconnected (there's the word), and things began to work beautifully again. Really, how hard was that. It was easy, quick, simple, and free. At the same time, I could have waited for years and it wouldn't have reconnected itself. Then something, or Someone, hit me up side the head. No, it wasn't the cord coming loose again, I'm pretty sure it was the Lord. The majority of the 'problems' we suffer in our Christian Walk and daily walk are the result of a loose, or non-existent, connection with our power source—you know, JESUS. The great news is this, it's easy to fix, the 'hard l truth is WE have to reconnect--He didn't pull the plug-we did. Check out 1 John 1:9. A loose connection with the Lord often manifests itself with a loose connection with the Body of Christ, you know, the church. Read Hebrew 10:24-25 and 1 Corinthians 12:12-31. And again, reconnecting is easy, quick, simple, and free. Just like the Prodigal son, ask yourself aren't things better in my Father's House than in a pig sty. I understand that the church is not perfect, but neither is a pig sty. So.....come on home, The Father is waiting, and so are we. Blessings Prayers and Love, Bro Tom and Sista Sue |